MIKE 2023 Release – FEFLOW 8.0: The next generation of groundwater modelling
Explore new workflows, usability improvements, and more in this new version of our groundwater modelling software
Explore new workflows, usability improvements, and more in this new version of our groundwater modelling software
Gain insight into the latest features, improvements and capabilities of our water resources products
Upgrade the way you work with our new integrated water modelling platform
Upgrade the way you work with our new integrated water modelling platform
Save time and achieve accurate flow and wave modelling results
Explore a dedicated tool for history matching, uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis
Discover new ways to cost-effectively build groundwater models
Discover new features, tools and updates to expand your modelling capabilities
Gain insight on new and extended features in MIKE 21 and MIKE 3
Take your water modelling capabilities to the next level
Discover the latest developments in WEST, DHI’s software application for wastewater systems
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